Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ki 9 Months.

Well. My goals didnt work out. This is day 4 and I got on facebook and cleaned house. I realized that was way too far. I did it the first day and my house was a MESS and I had 4 people needing responses from me on facebook for early in the day. So I am back to cleaning and facebooking. However, I am more aware of how much I do both and try to make a better balance.

Anyway, this post was/is meant to be about my baby boy Ki!!!!  I already put this on fb but my blog needs it too!

Look at this handsome man...

He is my sunshine! I love this boy more than my heart thought it could love another human!
It is so strange how much I love both of my kids the same but separately. They both have my heart but in different ways. 

Here is what he is up to these days:

  • He is crawling realllly fast. 
  • He is pulling up. He has just started to take 2 or 3 steps around furniture. But the he realizes what he is doing and stops.
  • He is eating more finger food now. He had scrambled eggs for the first time last night and LOVES them!
  • He claps.
  • He signs "more".
  • He wears 18 mos clothes.
  • He is soooooo tall. He was 31 inches last week. 
  • He loves his sister!
  • He is so happy.
  • He takes 2 naps a day but one is usually really short.
  • He still drinks 4 5oz bottles a day.
  • He says dada all day long. Every now and then he will say mama when he is fussy.
  • He loves for me to read to him. 
  • He LOVES being outside. 
  • He can play the baby apps on my phone.
  • He has 6 teeth!
  • He loves to eat! He hasnt refused any baby food yet!
  • He has the cutest little laugh!
  • He is such a daddy's boy! When GT walks in the room, he lights up and forgets about mama! 
  • He loves music and has started dancing some when he hears it.
  • He is 21 lbs!
  • He makes his mama proud!